TRUE WISDOM IN FOLLOWING GOD'S COMMANDMENTS - 03/14/23 (Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent)

Matthew 5:17–18
“I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” 

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Blessed Wednesday! There are many people in this culture who think that it’s ok to neglect the commandments of God. They may say that it’s already 2023, and as such, they will tell us that we should follow modern ideologies even if these things are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. However, true wisdom is found in being faithful to our Lord even in the smallest details. Though there are some times when we commit mistakes and sins because of our weaknesses, this doesn’t mean that it’s ok to intentionally commit even small sins. There are at least two reasons why we should always obey the commandments and teachings of Christ. The first reason is to love God, and the second reason is to make Him loved by others. Our obedience is the proof of our love for Jesus Christ. Our love for Him is not just shown by asking help from Him during the time of trials in our lives. It’s also seen by following the law written in our hearts and the teachings He has revealed in the Church. This is why our Lord Jesus tells us that those who obey the will of God, even in the smallest details, are the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. They have the highest glory in heaven because while they are on earth, they are always doing what is pleasing to our Lord. Because they do not want to hurt Christ, they always reject the temptations, by the grace of God, to commit sin, and even if they do, they will immediately beg for God’s forgiveness and reflect on how they can avoid committing the same sin. Through this, the temptations they faced became a step towards holiness. Some may think that there’s nothing wrong in committing a small sin because of God’s love for us. Although not all sins endanger our souls to hell, this doesn’t mean that it's ok to commit venial sins or small sins. It’s because if we truly ponder on how God is merciful with us, we will see that all He deserves is our love for Him. When we consistently engage in small sins habitually, with no intention of improving, the more that our souls become spiritually weaker and as a result, we may fall to more grave sins in the future.


The second reason why we should always obey God is because of the intention of making God loved by other people. This means that we should have the desire to make people closer to Him because this is what God desires for all of us. He wants us to be the instrument of His love and salvation. When we do not see that we are already offending God, we are causing “scandal” to our neighbors. This pertains as to how we become the cause of temptation for other people to sin if we are not good examples to them. But, the opposite is true as well. If we always persevere to grow in virtue and to deepen our love for Christ, we become a model for many people. They may be inspired to also walk in the path of holiness because they see the joy and peace in our hearts. And, this is not just limited to our good works as an example for people. Rather, Jesus also calls us to proclaim the gospel to many people. We have the duty to defend the truth and proclaim the gospel when we are given opportunities by our Lord. This is especially true for parents. Children become more influenced by the false teachings they see around us if there are no people who are guiding them to the truth of Christ. Because of this, parents have the responsibility to teach their children about the Mass and prayers, especially the rosary. And, we can only learn to share the teachings of Christ and His Church if we first learn it. May we spend time reflecting on the gospel and in studying the Catholic faith. Below this reflection, there is a summary and defense of the teachings of the Catholic Church that will enable us to understand what is right and good from what is wrong and bad. Let’s not be discouraged when we see ourselves falling to sins. May we remember that those who are the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven are those who persevere, especially in the virtue of humility. May we humble ourselves and renew our love for Him. It is in the commandments of Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church that we can find true wisdom from heaven. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +

May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic

Fasting and Abstinence during Lent:

Examination of Conscience and Guide to Sacrament of Confession:

Ultimate Catholic Parents Guide:

Summary and Defense of Catholic Teachings:


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