
Showing posts from March, 2023

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE OBSTACLES FOR LIVING OUT THE FAITH? - 04/01/23 (Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

SEEING THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN OTHERS - 03/31/23 (Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

THE GOD OF THE PRESENT - 03/30/23 (Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

PERSEVERANCE TO REMAIN FAITHFUL - 03/29/23 (Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

BELIEVING IN JESUS BECAUSE HE'S GOD - 03/28/23 (Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

THE PERSPECTIVE OF SINNERS - 03/27/23 (Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent)

GOD'S GLORY AND MERCY IN OUR RESURRECTION - 03/26/23 (Fifth Sunday of Lent)

“OPENING UP LIKE MARY” (March 25, 2023. Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord)

GOD PROTECTS THE BROKEN HEARTED - 03/24/23 (Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent)

THE TESTIMONIES THAT ARE PLEASING TO CHRIST - 03/23/23 (Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent)

GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN US - 03/22/23 (Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent)

THE JOY AFTER THE PAIN - 03/21/23 (Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent)

THE SILENCE OF ST. JOSEPH - 03/20/23 (Solemnity of Saint Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

ACTING WITH GOD - 3/19/23 (Fourth Sunday of Lent)

LOVE REQUIRES HUMILITY - 03/19/23 (Saturday of the Third Week of Lent)

THE PATH TO LOVING GOD - 03/17/23 (Friday of the Third Week of Lent)

WHY DO SOULS TURN AWAY FROM GOD? - 03/16/23 (Thursday of the Third Week of Lent)

TRUE WISDOM IN FOLLOWING GOD'S COMMANDMENTS - 03/14/23 (Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent)

A HEART TRANSFORMED BY GOD'S FORGIVENESS - 03/14/23 (Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent)

OUR UNFULFILLED DESIRES IN LIGHT OF GOD'S PROVIDENCE - 03/13/23 (Monday of the Third Week of Lent)

THE WELLSPRING OF ETERNAL LIFE - 3/12/23 (Third Sunday of Lent)