SOLELY BECAUSE OF GOD'S MERCY - 02/09/23 (Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time)
Mark 7:25–26
Soon a woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard about him. She came and fell at his feet. The woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by birth, and she begged him to drive the demon out of her daughter.
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Blessed Thursday! Jesus went to the region of Tyre and Sidon. Then, a woman, who had a child possessed by an evil spirit, came to Jesus and begged for His help. Jesus was used to heal many people, but most of them were usually Jews. This time, as recorded in the Scriptures, the woman who came to Him was Greek. She did not have a fuller understanding of God, and perhaps, she was also guilty of idolatry. When Jesus tested her faith, He told her that the children deserved to eat first, not the dogs. Our Lord spoke of these words, not to belittle the woman, but it was because these words were used by the Jews, and Jesus gave her an opportunity to express her humility and faith before Him. The woman replied that even dogs ate the children's craps. We have seen the humility of the woman by acknowledging her unworthiness before God, and this humility led her to trust in Jesus. When Jesus was moved by faith, He told the woman that her child was delivered from the evil one.
We can truly appreciate the mercy of God when we see our brokenness and weaknesses. It's because God does not do good things to us only if He sees us doing good. Even when we fall to our sins, He has been merciful with us, and this is why He is granting us opportunities to repent of our sins and the strength to do His will. For the Greek woman, although we no longer see the continuation of her life, we can say that the healing of her child is the beginning of her conversion and new life in Christ. Our Lord Jesus is also encouraging us to come to Him and ask help from Him, even when we see our shortcomings. Sometimes, we become discouraged by our faults that we may choose to dwell on them rather than turn to God. But, God will not turn His back against us. May we remember that we should do good, not because we want to have a good image in front of other people, but because this is pleasing to God. Let's admit our faults to God, beg for His forgiveness and turn away from our sinful lifestyle. Through this, our hearts will be open for God's mercy. And, may we be humble in thanking God for the graces and blessings He has given us. He is gracious to us that even amidst our imperfections, He is continuously drawing us back to Him. As we learn to humble ourselves, may we also pray for the conversion and intentions of other people. Everything that is good happens to us solely due to God's mercy, and because of this, may we do everything solely out of love for Him. Amen +
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +
Reflection by: Dominic
Examination of Conscience and Guide to Sacrament of Confession:
Ultimate Catholic Parents Guide:
Summary and Defense of Catholic Teachings:
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