GOD IS NEAR US - 1/13/23 (Optional Memorial of Saint Hilary, bishop and doctor of the Church)

Mark 2:3–4
They came bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. Unable to get near Jesus because of the crowd, they opened up the roof above him. After they had broken through, they let down the mat on which the paralytic was lying. 

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Blessed Memorial of Saint Hilary! In the gospel reading for today, there was a paralytic who truly desired to be healed. He knew that Jesus was inside a house, but because of his paralysis and because of the crowd, it was difficult for him to come to our Lord. Fortunately, there were four men who carried him, opened up the roof and helped him to go down. The situation of the paralytic also represents the time when we find it difficult to turn away from our sins. We are like a person who is not capable of rising from our sinful tendencies and walking in the path of the Lord. For some people, they may rather choose to give up on following Christ and His commandments because of being discouraged. But, what we see here is the goodness of Jesus Christ. The house in the gospel reading symbolizes our souls. God dwells within our soul. Though there may be times that our souls become so darkened by sins, He is still here waiting for us to recognize Him. All we need to do is to repent of our sins and go deeper into our own selves in our prayer. It is when we see the state of our sin and our needs of God's mercy that we can begin to rest in the presence of God. 

This is also seen in the life of St. Hilary. He was born into a wealthy pagan family, and he was an intellectual. But, he felt that our lives had purpose. He realized that our souls were not meant to be satisfied from sinful pleasures and to seek worldly achievements. Our hearts are made for something more or for Someone else. When pagan philosophy could not help him in his desire for truth and happiness, he was only fulfilled when he discovered the true God as revealed in the Bible. We will only be truly happy once we realize that our purpose in life is to love God and make Him loved. Let's always remember the goodness of God for us and let's not be discouraged by our sins and weaknesses. Jesus desires to heal us and help us in our journey as He did with the paralytic. If we are struggling with sins such as gossiping, saying inappropriate words and others, God is near us, and we can always turn to Him in our prayer, ask for forgiveness and reflect on what God wants us to do to be more faithful to Him. If we become discouraged due to our grave sins, let's remember the mercy of God in the sacrament of confession and here, Jesus will cleanse our hearts and souls. May we remember the goodness of God towards us and be motivated to be obedient to Him and to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Jesus will conquer the darkness in us and strengthen our faith within our hearts, for He is always near us. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +

May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Bishop and Doctor—Optional Memorial:

Examination of Conscience and Guide to Sacrament of Confession:

Ultimate Catholic Parents Guide:

Summary and Defense of Catholic Teachings:


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