WHAT DO WE DO WHEN WE FEEL OFFENDED? - 10/12/22 (Feast of Blessed Carlo Acutis)

Luke 11:44-46
“Woe to you! You are like unseen graves over which people unknowingly walk.” Then one of the scholars of the law said to him in reply, “Teacher, by saying this you are insulting us too.” And he said, “Woe also to you scholars of the law! You impose on people burdens hard to carry, but you yourselves do not lift one finger to touch them.”  

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Blessed Feast of Blessed Carlo Acutis! Our Lord Jesus was mentioning the numerous sins of the Pharisees and the Scholars of the Law. One of these scholars complained to Jesus that he felt insulted and offended. What did Jesus do? He continued on speaking of his sins. Though there are times that feeling offended is natural, this does not justify our behavior and actions. For the scholar of the law, he felt insulted because of his pride. He knew that what Jesus told Him was true, but instead of following Him and repenting of his sins, he tried to stop Jesus from speaking. 

There are times when God gently leads us to know His will in our lives. However, for some people who may fall to numerous sins, because of their lack of union with God, they also lack peace. As such, instead of a gentle reminder from the Lord, their conscience suddenly feels being forced by the Truth. If we are humble, when we feel offended due to the sins that others may see in us, we will focus on what we need to improve upon ourselves and acknowledge that this is God's way for us to know what is good. And, even if other people wrongly accuse us, we will not be angry with them because we see this as an opportunity to bear their fault, to be patient, and to love them just as how Jesus loved the Pharisees despite their false accusations about Him. 

Even though we can know that this is what we should be doing when we feel offended, we may still recognize our weaknesses and tendencies to justify ourselves. The truth is that we cannot be freed from our pride unless we depend on Jesus Christ. He offered Himself on the Cross because of His love for us. He desires that our old self, our tendencies and pride, will be crucified so that we can be new persons. Blessed Carlo Acutis knew that Jesus Christ, who's truly present in the Eucharist, is our highway to heaven. This was the reason why he was daily going to Mass and praying in front of the Tabernacle. Blessed Carlo Acutis became famous for sharing the truth about Eucharistic miracles, and below this reflection, there is a YouTube video that provides scientific evidence for it. The more we recognize how easy it is for us to be offended from the comments of other people, the more we should desire to seek Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. If possible, let's consider going to Mass even in weekdays or participating to online Mass in weekdays. May we also tell to Jesus as we adore Him in the Tabernacle or in Online Adoration our faults. Those who humble themselves and follow Jesus will be guided to everlasting life. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic

Life of Blessed Carlo Acutis:

Scientific Evidence of Eucharistic Miracles:

Ultimate Catholic Parents Guide:

Examination of Conscience and Guide to Sacrament of Confession:


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