INVITING JESUS INTO OUR HEARTS - 10/11/22 (Memorial of Pope Saint John XXIII)

Luke 11:39-40a
The Lord said to him, “Oh you Pharisees! Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil. You fools!”  

For the full readings, click here:

Blessed Memorial of St. John XXIII! The Pharisee invited Jesus in his home. In the Scriptures, homes and rooms can symbolize our hearts. As such, it is important for us to invite Jesus for Him to dwell in our hearts. But, if Jesus looks at our hearts, what will He see? Will He see the evil and sinful desires in our hearts? Or, will He see a humble and persevering heart? In the gospel reading for today, the Pharisee noticed that our Lord Jesus did not do the common washing ritual as done by the Pharisees. Because of this, he was judged by the Pharisees, just as what he was doing with other people whom he criticized. There was nothing wrong with the actions of the Lord, and it's the Pharisees who were mistaken. 

Jesus Christ knew the mind and heart of the Pharisee, and He told him that his heart was filled with evil despite being clean on the outside. We may also act like the Pharisee sometimes. There are times when we see the actions of other people, and we may end up criticizing this person deep within. It can also be the case that we are thinking of negative things towards him while justifying our actions as if we are higher than others. There are also some people who may think that they are more devoted than others, but they may not see their imperfections, including when they use the name of God in vain. There are different ways that our Lord reveals us the truth, and one of them is when He makes known to us our sinfulness and weaknesses. This is not because God wants to push us away. On the contrary, it is a sign that the mercy of God has come to us because by knowing how we offend Him, we can be freed from the slavery of sin and be able to love God truly. 

Pope Saint John XXIII was the one who called the Bishops for the Second Vatican Council. There were many wonderful things that come from this Council, and one was the liturgical renewal. In the Mass, we receive Jesus who dwells within us, not just spiritually, but also physically as we receive Him in the Holy Communion. At the same time, let's remember that before we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, we should be in the state of grace. This means that there should be no mortal sins in our hearts, and if we have fallen to the temptation to engage in a grave sin, God invites us to the sacrament of confession. This is where we receive the infinite mercy of God that purifies our hearts from all sins. To participate in the sacrament of confession and Mass is a sign that our hearts are delighted in loving God and in following His will and teachings. 

In the Second Vatican Council, there was another renewal, and that was our renewed love for the Word of God. The Mass today has more readings in the Scripture compared to before. This is an opportunity for us to listen with devotion in the readings for us to allow the voice of Christ to enter into our hearts. Moreover, this is not passive listening. Whether done in the context of the Mass or outside of it, let's pray for guidance from God and reflect on how the readings in the Bible apply to us. More specifically, let's meditate on our sins and on the mercy of God. The Word of God should lead us to humility as we become more aware of our sins while trusting in the merciful love of Jesus. Our Lord is not surprised when He sees that our inner rooms in our hearts are full of sins. But, what brings delight in His Sacred Heart is when we offer our hearts to Him and trust that He will purify our hearts from all evil desires. Our hearts are made to love God and glorify Him in everything we do. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic

Life of Pope Saint John XXIII:

Summary and Defense of Catholic Teachings:

Ultimate Catholic Parents Guide:

Examination of Conscience and Guide to Sacrament of Confession:


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