BRINGING TO LIGHT OUR SECRETS - 9/19/22 (Memorial of St. Januarius)

Luke 8:16
“No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light.”  

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Blessed Memorial of St. Januarius! People who are following God's will and commandments are pleasing to God. It's because they are accepting the light that Christ offers to them. They are open to His graces. As long as we persevere in trusting in God and following Him, we have the hope of being united with Him in heaven for all eternity. But, the light that Jesus offers to us is not meant to be kept. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and through our deeds, many people can see His presence in our lives. But, there are times that we may not show forth these light from Christ because of our secrets that we hide deep within us. There are at least two types of secrets that we keep to ourselves and not show to others which may hinder the presence of God to fully reflect on us. 

First, it's the secret of our sins. One temptation that we may experience is thinking that it's ok to commit a sin since others are unaware of what we do. Because of this tendency, we may not see why it's wrong to envy those who are so financially successful in life even though our ideals should be on following the examples of saints and not on worldly people who may even keep us away from God. When some speak of negative things towards other people, they may do so because these people are not present when they're gossiping. But, we are not alone, even if there are no other people surrounding us. God is aware of our thoughts and feelings. Our guardian angel sees whether we follow the inspiration of God or not. The saints are our witnesses in heaven. And, in the general judgment at the last days, our secrets will be revealed to all. This is why Jesus desires for us to bring to His light our weaknesses. He wants us to speak to Him of our faults and to reflect on it in our prayer with His guidance. We may be ashamed to even admit to God our shortcomings, but He is compassionate and kind. What matters to Him the most is when we humble ourselves even more and desire to change for the better. 

Second, it's the secret of our own faith. Our Catholic faith is precious and beautiful. It's worth sharing to people, especially by practicing our faith. But, some of us may feel afraid because others may think negatively about us. Some may just laugh at our practices and beliefs. If we have these fears, let's speak about them to God. And, may we be reminded of the faith of His saints, especially the martyrs. St. Januarius was one of them. He was persecuted when Christianity was not even legalized. But, the blood of the martyrs were the seeds of the Church. St. Januarius remained faithful to God no matter how painful his experiences were. In fact, God also performs the miracles of the liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius as seen in the link below this reflection. It's not just to show His presence to us but to inspire us to practice Catholic faith for the glory of God, not for our own recognition. Let's not follow the ways of the world, and in our free time, may we dedicate it to prayers and other works for the glory of God similar to what the saints do. Let's also spend time to reflect on God's word and meditate on the sufferings and sacrifices of Christ. May God be the inspiration in everything we do with the hope that more people will glorify and serve Him as they see the good works of Christ in us. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic

Miracle of St. Januarius:

Ultimate Catholic Parents Guide:

Summary and Defense of Catholic Teachings:

Examination of Conscience and Guide to Sacrament of Confession:


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