THE WAY TO ENTER THE NARROW GATE - 8/21/22 (Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Luke 13:24
“Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”
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Blessed Sunday! We can only enter the Kingdom of Heaven through the narrow gate. So, what is the way to the narrow gate? Perhaps, the better question is, "Who is the Way to the narrow gate?" Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. This means that we can only enter the narrow gate of the Kingdom of God through our Lord. Since Jesus Christ is also the Way, He is showing us through His own life, particularly through His Passion and Death, why the gate is narrow and not wide. The narrow gate symbolizes at least two things.
First, the narrow gate symbolizes the importance of following God's will. A wide gate is open to sins, but the narrow gate is only for people who follow God. Everything that Jesus did here on earth was in accordance with the will of God. The Son is perfectly united to the Father, and Jesus is reminding us that in order for us to be with God, we should follow Him and be obedient to Him. God invites us to enter the narrow gate by being faithful to His commandments and His teachings in the Catholic Church. People who willingly engage in serious and grave sins are endangering their salvation. Jesus Christ is not just the Way, but He is also the Truth. This is why we should always act in accordance to His Truth by listening to His voice in the Scriptures and in the Church. Even in our own families, we may be tempted to hate one another. But, our Lord tells us to imitate Him who loves us, especially by offering Himself on the Cross, and who remains faithful to us even though there are times that our actions are contrary to our identity as children of God. May we find fulfillment solely in following God's will.
Second, the narrow gate symbolizes the difficulty of perseverance to virtues and the difficulty of entering heaven. Our Savior says that many will attempt to enter the narrow gate, but they will not be strong enough. To enter the gate of heaven, one should be willing to carry the cross and endure the sufferings and sacrifices. Jesus Christ is our perfect model for this. Our God, who only deserved to receive praise, service, love and honor, chose to be like us and bore our sins on the cross. The Crucifixion is the greatest sign of God's unconditional and infinite love for us. It is difficult, but it's not impossible to enter heaven if we depend on Christ and not on our own strength. One reason why it's difficult to reject temptations is because of the satisfaction that we get from them. However, these worldly pleasures are just empty satisfactions, and they are obstacles for us. If we are struggling to do God's will, may we remember that Jesus is not just the Way and the Truth, but He is also the Life. The everlasting life that awaits us in heaven will sustain us in our journey with the Lord, no matter how difficult it is to be faithful to Christ.
We are made by God to be united with Him. This takes place if in our minds and hearts, we desire to truly serve God. Our Lord sees our thoughts, words and actions. He sees whether we are faithful to His will and whether we carry our crosses with Him or not. There may be times that we fall, but what's important is for us to stand up, to humble even more, and to strive to enter the narrow gate with the help of Jesus Christ. Let's not be worried about our weaknesses because He is our strength. This also means that all of us have the responsibility to share the truth, especially to children, knowing the many temptations from the world and from the devil to disobey God and the Church. There is a link to a YouTube video below this reflection that gives a guide to parents on how to raise their children to the Catholic faith. Let's proclaim the Good News because Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Amen +
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +
Reflection by: Dominic
Ultimate Catholic Parents Guide:
Examination of Conscience and Guide to Sacrament of Confession:
Amazing Testimony on Rosary:
Summary and Defense of Catholic Teachings:
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