THE VANITY OF WORLDLY THINGS - 7/31/22 (Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Luke 12:15
“Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.”  

For the full readings, click here:

Blessed Sunday! In today's culture, it seems normal for many people to buy the most extravagant clothes and things. There are many people who dream of having riches and reaching their dreams. It seems as if the purpose in life is possession and satisfaction of worldly things. But, our Lord Jesus reminds us that our life should not be centered on seeking as many possessions as possible. St. Ignatius of Loyola said that our true purpose here on earth is to give greater glory, praise and service to God. If we focus on other things, we may miss out what is truly essential for our eternal life. 

In the gospel reading, there was a follower of Jesus who made a request to Him. One person from the crowd said that his brother should share his inheritance with Him. As such, God gives us a clear warning of being cautious with the sin of greed. This is an inordinate desire of earthly goods that are contrary to reason and God's will. Our Lord showed His follower that his desires led him to sin, and as such, he should focus on doing God's will rather than only satisfying oneself with treasures. St. Ignatius of Loyola teaches us that we can discern by the grace of God whether our thoughts are inspired by God or whether they are temptations by the devil. If we consent to our thought that leads us to authentic and lasting peace and increase in our faith, hope and love, if it gives greater glory to God, these are signs that what we are doing is His will. But, there may be times when we may feel pleasure or satisfaction in doing something but still feel empty and distressed. If it leads us more to sins, then these are temptations from Satan and evil spirits. 

Seeking worldly things and achievements are vanities. If we devote most of our time in seeking these things, we may feel temporary satisfaction and happiness, but deep within, they cannot satisfy the true desires of our hearts. It's because only God can give us true happiness which we can receive if we are obedient to His will, teachings and commandments. The sacrament of the Eucharist in the Mass and the sacrament of confession are the vessels of God's graces that give peace in our souls. How can we be more motivated to be detached from worldly things given that these are vanities? One way is by meditating on the difference between the life of Jesus and the saints and the life worldly people. 

St. Ignatius of Loyola experienced a conversion when he was badly wounded on his leg and unable to walk. He chose to read because he was unable to do anything else. He read the life of Jesus and the life of the saints. There were times when St. Ignatius of Loyola was fantasizing about gaining achievements and praises from many people. But, he found this empty when he imagined and reflected on the life of Jesus and the saints. Even though their lives involved suffering, the saints were happy and joyful because they were fully united to Jesus. They had the assurance of eternal life, of everlasting joys that are beyond anything that the world offers. Meanwhile, seeking worldly things will only give us temporary happiness, but it will lead us to despair and emptiness when we realize that we are unable to devote our time to our Lord. Below, we can read more on Ignatian Spirituality. How about us? Will we choose the path to eternal life or the path to emptiness? Will we persevere to be a saint or be influenced by the world? Let's choose God's will because He will keep us safe with His love. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic

For more information on Ignatian Spirituality, click here:

For the examination of conscience and guide to confession, click here:

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