FOUNTAIN OF LIFE AND KNOWLEDGE - 7/21/22 (Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time)

Matthew 13:10-12
The disciples approached Jesus and said, “Why do You speak to the crowd in parables?” He said to them in reply, “Because knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven has been granted to you, but to them it has not been granted. To anyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; from anyone who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”  

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Blessed Thursday! Jesus Christ used many parables in His ministry as seen in numerous passages in the gospel. Why did He speak in this way? Could He just explain it more clearly to people? These were the same questions that the disciples had. Our Lord replied to them saying that the knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom were granted to them, His disciples, but not to other people. However, we should not interpret this as if God doesn't want others to know the truth and the way to eternal life. Rather, many people in the crowd were still hindered by their pride in their hearts, and as such, they were not really open to God's wisdom. 

Jesus is the fountain of life. He is the source of eternal life and salvation. At the same time, He is the fountain of knowledge and wisdom. In Him, we can find true wisdom, and not worldly wisdom, to know the will of God which will enable us to follow it and please Him. However, when we do not listen to Christ and the Church, what happens is we will end up listening to our own opinions and to the opinions of many people who may influence us to act contrary to what is good. God is merciful, and He desires for us to know the truth and to reject the lies. He wants us to enter the Kingdom of heaven. But, when we close our hearts to His voice, our conscience becomes darkened. This is why our Lord tells us that more will be given to those people who have while more will be taken from those who do not have. 

This does not pertain to riches. Rather, those people who love God will grow in love even more. But, those who do not love Him due to sins will be more attached to sins. For example, an angry person will be more attached to anger, and it will be difficult for him or her to see what's wrong with this sin, which is why he or she will continuously dwell on it even in the future. To obtain God's wisdom and graces, we should be humble. It is through humility that we can open our hearts to His mercy and to His truth. Let's admit to Jesus in our prayers our sins and faults. This is the beginning of humility. If we are struggling in the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church, may we pray for our hearts to be open to follow solely the truth. And, if we are truly humble, God will help us, not just in understanding things, but also in entering His Kingdom. We can serve God faithfully throughout our lives if we allow the knowledge of His salvation to enlighten our hearts. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic


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