BE A FERTILE SOIL FOR GOD'S WORD - 7/20/22 (Wednesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time)

Matthew 13:8-9
“But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold. Whoever has ears ought to hear.”  

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Blessed Wednesday! The seed pertains to the Word of God. It also refers to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our Lord speaks to us through His Word, and He also speaks to us in our conscience. However, not everyone who hears His voice follow Him. As mentioned in the parable, we need to be a fertile soil for us to bear fruit. This will only happen if we have a humble heart and if we desire to make Him the center of our lives. The reason why God reveals to us Himself, especially in the Scriptures, is for us to know Him. It is by knowing Him that we can know the truth and obtain everlasting life. 

But, there may be some obstacles that hinder us from reflecting on His Word or from believing His teachings. One obstacle is when we think we do not need His commandments and instructions in the first place. We may think that we already know what is good and what is bad, or at least, we may think that we can figure it out on our own. However, let's remember that a soil cannot bear fruit on its own. There needs to be a seed before a plant grows and before the fruit bears. In the same way, we are really dependent on God. Jesus is inviting us to be humble and acknowledge our sinfulness before Him. It is only through this humble recognition that we can see how easy it is for us to commit sins if we depend on ourselves. 

Another obstacle we should be cautious about is our lack of trust in Jesus. Sometimes, we may be discouraged when we always fall even if we desire to avoid sins, to reject temptations and to persevere in virtues. Some people lose hope in His mercy and grace which is why others do not see the need to read the Gospel. In the parable, Jesus tells us that some brought forth grain that are hundredfold, some sixty and some are thirty. It's a reminder for us to trust in Him that we will really bear fruit. We can really grow in holiness. There are many amount of grains in the parable. This represents that some souls will bear more fruit that the others. What determines how much we grow in our love for God is the level of trust that we have in Him. The more we trust in Jesus, the more that our faith will bear more fruit. 

Do we spend time reflecting on God's Word, especially the Gospel? If we desire to be like fertile soils, we should desire to ponder on the Scriptures. It's not just about obtaining information. After all, if our goal is merely to get information, we will go back to our sinful ways. Rather, as we read God's Word, let's ponder on how that applies to our lives. The Word of God is a living Word. God really speaks to us through His Word, especially to aid us in our journey in life. May we allow the teachings of Christ to change us. A humble heart that trusts in Him will be filled with God's love that it overflows through our actions. As we reflect on the Scriptures, we will be transformed in such a way that we no longer find validation from achievements or riches, but we will be focused on doing God's will. Instead of buying extravagant things, we will be content of what we have and persevere in helping the poor. Although the Word of God may challenge us to accept many sufferings in life, God will strengthen us to be faithful to Him. He who has ears, let him hear. 

Amen +

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May the Lord + bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic


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