REFLECTIONS ON THE WORD – 12/3/21 (Friday)

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Blessed Friday of the First Week of Advent and blessed feast day of St. Francis of Xavier! In our gospel reading, there were two blind men who were following Jesus and were crying for mercy from Him. And yet, it's interesting that He approached and healed them within the house. What is the significance of the house? The house can be understood as a symbolism of the house of our souls. Although it's true that spiritual blindness may refer to our inability to see our sins, it can also mean our inability to see Jesus within us. For many of us, when we experience many sins in our lives, we may fall to despair and be discouraged in following Him. Because we think that we always fail, we may believe that no one can even help us. The reality is that Jesus hears our hearts who are crying for mercy, and we should simply dedicate ourselves to Him because He is with us and within us. 

The blind men regained sight when they truly believed out of their faith that they could be healed by Jesus. What can cure us of our spiritual blindness due to pride is humility, and true humility is found in having complete confidence to the mercy of God. What kind of confidence should we have? He wants us to have confidence that by His mercy, He can heal us of our spiritual illnesses and sins. He wants us to believe that by His grace, He can make us saints. He wants us to believe that by His love, He can bring us to heaven to be with Him. When we have complete trust and faith in Him, our eyes will be truly open to see Him as our Savior. 

He has given His blood and His life, so that we may be saved from our spiritual darkness and blindness. Let us seek His mercy through the sacrament of reconciliation. When we hear the words of absolution from the priest, we should have confidence in the grace that God offered in this ministry, that He has forgiven all our sins, especially our mortal sins. Even when we become blind again due to sins, we should never lose our hope in Him because He is within us. Let us always ask forgiveness from Him and grace to be firm in our resolutions, for He will heal us out of our genuine faith, a faith that always sees His Merciful Love. 

 Amen +
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
Mary God bless us and may He heal us of our spiritual blindness. May He grant us the gift of hope and confidence in His Mercy. Amen. + 

Reflection by: Dominic


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