REFLECTIONS ON THE WORD – 12/22/21 (Wednesday)

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Blessed Wednesday of the 4th Week of Advent! In our gospel reading yesterday, St. Elizabeth called Mary the most blessed of all women because of the mission she accepted from God. Today, we see the response of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After receiving such wonderful comment, she replied by praising God in the "Magnificat." Why did she praise God? It is because a life of humility is a life of praise. It is an acknowledgement that every blessing that we receive comes from Him.

As we prepare for Christmas, it is expected that we receive many gifts from other people. We may also receive compliments and praises from others. What do we do in these situations? Whenever we ponder on the blessings and achievements we receive, we may fall to the sin of pride as we think that we deserve all of that. We may think we are great and by our own strength, we get everything that we desire. Our honor and finances may make us think that the world centers around us. Unfortunately, if we continue on this path of pride and this worldly mindset, sooner or later, we may fall down. We may even endanger our souls to the pits of hell. Why is this the case? It is because we may reject the truth that all glory belongs to Him and in reality, we are nothing without Him. Jesus is reminding us that our purpose in life is to praise Him because every blessing that we receive is a manifestation of His Mercy. The life of Mary magnifies this truth about God. The humble will be exalted by His mercy and the proud will be cast down by their sins. 

May we prepare our hearts as we come closer to the Christmas day by living a life of thanksgiving and praise for the gifts and blessings that we receive from God. When we always praise Him, we acknowledge and admit our dependence of Him. In time of trouble such as moments of intense sufferings and temptations, He will come to our aid. He will purify the hearts of all who trust in Him, and we will have the hope of eternal happiness. 

Amen +
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May God bless us and may He grant us the gift of humility. May He heal us of our broken hearts and save us from sins . Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic
