REFLECTIONS ON THE WORD – 12/18/21 (Saturday)

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Blessed Saturday of the Third Week of Advent! In our gospel reading, Joseph was bethrothed to Mary, but when he realized that she had a child, he was thinking of separating himself from her. He remained silent waiting for the message of the Lord as he was discerning His will. Then, an angel appeared to St. Joseph saying that he should not be afraid of being the foster father of Jesus. He immediately followed the plan of God for their family because he trusted in Him, and he desired to please and glorify the Lord. 

Whenever we make major decisions in life, we may fall to the trap of using a worldly standard. This can take place when we think that our purpose in life is to experience worldly happiness. We may want convenience and comfort rather than accept the crosses of life. Perhaps, we work hard solely for the sake of satisfying ourselves by our riches and honor. However, the Lord wants us to reject this worldly mindset. He created us with the purpose of praising, serving and glorifying Him, and this will bring us salvation. St. Joseph did not decide on the basis of personal satisfaction. This is why Jesus is inviting us to imitate the example of our spiritual father by making decisions in life with the end goal of loving God. When we discern God's will and plan for our lives with the goal of deepening our relationship with Him, we can have the hope of everlasting happiness and peace.

As we prepare for the celebration of His birth, let us also discern how to use our finances, not just for the sake of gatherings and parties, but for the sake of loving our neighbors such as the poor. Let us always spend time praying to God and begging for His wisdom whenever we make major decisions in life, and He will guide us to His plan if we are open to His grace. And, may we examine our lives whether we are simply pleasing ourselves or whether we are pleasing the Lord by following His commandments. Once we recognize our shortcomings, may we ask for God's grace to follow His will by being firm in our resolutions. 

Amen +
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May God bless us and may He grant us peace and wisdom. May He teach us to discern His will and protect us in times of temptation. Amen. +  

Reflection by: Dominic
