REFLECTIONS ON THE WORD – 12/16/21 (Thursday)
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Blessed Thursday of the Third Week of Advent! In our gospel reading, Jesus reminds that St. John the Baptist is more than a prophet. The other prophets in the Old Covenant spoke about the coming of our Savior, but St. John the Baptist witnessed Him personally, and he prepared the way of the Lord by speaking about repentance. Jesus revealed that St. John the Baptist was greater than others, and that included the Pharisees and scholars of the law. But, why was he greater than these Pharisees if they were also doing the same things such as teaching in front of the people? It's because St. John the Baptist desired to lead people to Christ while the elders wanted the attention from other people.
Unfortunately, some of us may be in similar situations like the Pharisees. It is true that Jesus calls us to spread the good news, but we may not acknowledge the wrong motivations behind our actions. We may tell to other people that we are sinners, but we may be doing it because we want others to praise us as being "humble." Perhaps, we may share our knowledge about Jesus and our faith, but it is done because we want others to think that we are "smart." We may give advice to others, but we do it because we want the attention of many people who come to us and ask for help. The Lord wants us to imitate St. John the Baptist by encountering Jesus, the Lamb of God, who purifies us of our sins. Jesus is telling us that as we repent of our sins and lead people to His love, we should take away our "luxurious clothes" which may signify our attachments to sins like pride. Rather, we should have a pure intention where everything we do is for the sake of loving Christ.
Let us always spend time with Jesus in our prayers by examining our motivations whether our actions are still tainted by pride. Let us ask Him through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the grace of detachment and humility, so we may be delivered from vain satisfactions and attention. Whenever we see the blessings that we receive from God, we should always praise Him rather than seek praise from other people. And, may we always pray for the conversion of sinners. Through our prayers, more people will encounter Jesus, the Lamb of God, and they will receive His gift of salvation.
Amen +
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May God bless us and may He grant us the grace of humility. May He purify our hearts and detach us from vain satisfactions. Amen. +
Reflection by: Dominic
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