REFLECTIONS ON THE WORD – 12/10/21 (Friday)

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Blessed Friday of the Second Week of Advent! In the gospel reading, Jesus made an analogy by mentioning children who played the flute while others did not dance and who mourned while others did not lament. This could be understood of the Jews who did not find joy in the coming of the Christ and who did not repent even when they were warned by St. John the Baptist. What hindered them? It was because they were blinded by pride. The Pharisees, scribes and other Jews did not see that the Savior already came, and they rejected His gospel because they did not want to change their ways. They only loved themselves, and they were seeking fame, honor, and self-gratification. They also did not listen to St. John the Baptist who prepared the way of Christ. His message of repentance offended them because they did not want to admit to others and to themselves that they were sinners. 

The same may be true for us. Some of us may find Mass to be boring, and we may not be excited to participate in it. We may think it's just a routine every Sunday, and it's not that important, if not the least important. It's because we prioritize other worldly things, and we may forget that our God comes down from heaven every Mass to be with us physically in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Even if we are sinners who always offend Him, He still chooses to invite us to have deeper friendship with Him through His Most Precious Body and Blood. Even outside the Mass, we may not like to reflect upon our sins and ask forgiveness from Him because we only want to have a good image from others. And yet, this is just a temptation that hinders our relationship with God. God already knows our sins. He simply wants us to humble ourselves and acknowledge how dependent we are of His mercy and grace. 

Let us always participate with devotion every Mass, and let us give thanks to Jesus, especially as we visit Him who is truly present in the Tabernacle. Let us accept His offer of friendship by remaining in the state of grace as we receive His Body and Blood. Let us always spend time, especially at night, to examine our conscience and repent of our sins. Let us pray to Jesus that He may grant us humility through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. By doing this, we can obtain true wisdom, the wisdom of Christ.

Amen +
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +
May God bless us and may He grant us humility. May He give His wisdom and mercy to us, especially in preparation for this season fo Advent. Amen. + 

Reflection by: Dominic
