REFLECTIONS ON THE WORD – 11/24/2021 (Wednesday)

REFLECTIONS ON THE WORD – 11/24/2021 (Wednesday)

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Today is Red Wednesday and we remember our brothers and sisters who were martyred and persecuted because of faith. Jesus talks about this persecution and why we should not worry about this. The truth, if proclaimed, has its consequences. And these are harsh persecution, hatred, slander, contradictions and many more. However, God assures us to move forward and continue. We do not need to think about anything because God is with us. He will give us whatever we need in these times. May it be wisdom, time, resources, what we need to say, and how we will say it. Name it, God will provide it. 

Furthermore, our reward will be great in heaven. All these sufferings will not go to waste. The blood of the martyrs becomes the seed of the Church. The sufferings we experience if we go through everything with Christ, will not be in vain. If we offer them to Christ, our afflictions will be instrumental in procuring eternal life for souls. We offer this one sacrifice in Christ, with Christ and through Christ. 

Who knows who will be converted because of what little sacrifice we endure? Only God knows and if we believe in Him and entrust all things to Him, then we can face all these trials and tribulations with a courageous heart. A heart filled with great faith who believes that God who is merciful and just will deliver us from all our enemies. He will sustain us until the end for His love never fails. Amen. + 

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, be with us always until the hour of our death. Amen. +

God bless us and may He help us always to conform to His will. Amen. +
